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What are the selection methods of wate時做r pipes?

1. Go to the regular bui書雜lding materials market to 樹術buy as needed, so tha綠舊t the quality of the water pip做行es is more guaranteed.
2. Check the surface 這師of the water pipe to see if it麗那s appearance is smooth and un吃劇iform. You can touch it with your林呢 hand to see if it f志他eels fine; at the same time,可道 it is necessary to see w月綠hether the anti-counterfeit答也ing logo of the manufacturer is ma裡去rked on the water pipe. If not, it 動海is best not to buy it火秒.
3. Look at the color of the water pipe.得愛 The high-quality stainless s化很teel water pipes are g年冷enerally silver-white, and the bl妹東ack ones are generally not討還 subjected to acid-bas子可e passivation treatment, which is 月說easy to scale. The color of high-q要習uality PPR pipes is generally matte暗站 milky white, and there will be no雜的 variegated particles in them. I店兵f the color of the water pipe is 紙去mixed with some variegated c議信olors, it means that the quali城月ty of the water pipe is not good.
4.The plastic pipe should科得 smell the odor of the w銀愛ater pipe. If the water pipe has a很朋 pungent odor, it means that the quali錢吧ty of the water pipe is n和公ot good, and the high-quality wate湖姐r pipe will not have a punge身話nt odor.
5. Pay attention to the connectio道就n method of metal pipes. 術畫Generally, simple self-locking circli頻現p type connections are務唱 used for household use.