The working principle of stain雨音less steel valve is to make th計行e valve unblocked or blocke近書d by rotating the val視妹ve. Pneumatic ball valve中舊 switch is light, small 是關in size, can be made into large 綠工diameter, reliable sealing吧兵, simple structure, convenient ma站紅intenance, sealing surface and sphe小湖rical surface are often closed, not e暗子asy to be eroded by medium, and a物制re widely used in variou謝多s industries. The ma討去in advantages of stainl樂離ess steel valves.
1. The fluid resistance is small, and 市用its resistance coefficient is e嗎鐵qual to that of the pipe section of 城村the same length. 2. Simple structure, s訊飛mall size and light weight. 3. It is tight and reliable.離朋 At present, the sealing surface校市 material of ball valve is wid輛風ely used plastic, which has goo暗訊d sealing performance, and has also be劇我en widely used in vacuum sy學山stem. 4. Easy to operate, q議時uick to open and close, only need舊謝 to rotate 90° from fully open 也在to fully closed, which is convenie中從nt for long-distance 生現control. 5. The maintenance is convenient, 北亮the ball valve has a simple現雨 structure, the sealing rin林民g is generally movable, and it 身視is more convenient to di火亮sassemble and replac花購e. 6. When fully open or fully c月但losed, the sealing surfaces of the b頻科all and the valve seat a錢兒re isolated from the medium, and th家答e sealing surface of the valve will花長 not be eroded when the medium上空 passes through. 7. It has a wide range 爸喝of applications, with diameters rang訊章ing from small to several millimeter西從s to several meters, and ca行作n be applied from high v算近acuum to high pressure. When the b呢放all rotates 90 degrees,銀公 it should be spheri見輛cal at the entrance and exit to cut對街 off the flow.