Location: China
Business Type: Manufacture南來r, Exporter
Brands: LIDAO
Certificate: CE, WATER歌著MARK.ACS
Minimum order quantity:200
Price: Consultation
Packing details: LIDAO packing水中 or CUSTOMIZATION PACK
Delivery time: 30 DAYS
Zhejiang Lilang Sani船草tary Ware Co., Ltd. is a professiona區電l manufacturer of plumbing an的司d bathroom valves, specializing in放對 the production of Various Hoses An不兵d Hydraulic Connections 7, etc. The pr海好oduct materials include stainless stee讀答l, copper, iron, aluminum and other 器車metal materials. The問數 company has independently光信 developed and designed和火 a series of bathroom fa朋見ucets, and has its own bran生火d "Lidao Sanitary Ware". Covers all ki輛他nds of 304 stainless steel fauc道畫ets, showers, floor drains an玩廠d other products.
We can meet your needs. OEM and要歌 ODM Various Hoses And Hydraulic Conn鄉小ections 7 are Lilang’s specia子公lty. We can customize f嗎煙rom the simple to the 業媽extreme .We can make 業路numerous variations of catalog討亮 items. We are also capable這爸 of completely fabricatin來我g original products from scrat務嗎ch. Lilang can also customize your part身術s, including domestic sanitary f看子ittings, custom stainless steel sanitar讀坐y fabrication, valves, c行時lamp fittings, stainless steel 妹少tubing, Various Hoses And Hy笑拍draulic Connections 7, sta劇視inless steel sanitary strainers, s頻話anitary valves, and sanitary st信員ainless steel fittings.
We are fully capable of taking 空廠your customer’s hand drawn sketch and t工舞urning it into a finish訊放ed part. We can make a drawin們門g for your customer to討媽 approve, make any design音校 changes necessary, produce the par美快t, and drop ship to the end user if n日服ecessary.
We have our own forging微城 plant and mechanical processing照票 plant, factory direct sales, good qua厭通lity and low price.
We have our own testing 了事lab and the most advanced 習冷and complete inspection equipment,船兒which can ensure the quality o著新f the Various Hoses And冷什 Hydraulic Connections 7.
Based on high-grade and間相 high-end markets, our 光學products meet interna從下tional standards and ar區站e mainly exported to Europe, Am北子erica, Japan and other白大 countries; our series of produc錢笑ts are provided with a thre他會e-year after-sales warranty, includin師友g R&D, OEM and ODM etc月公.