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How stainless steel pipe fittings are 了河rust-proof?

Stainless steel pipe fittings are rust-proof because they are 下答made of a type of steel tha那生t contains chromium, which forms a prot司嗎ective layer of chrom哥個ium oxide on the sur市綠face of the metal. This lay白少er of oxide is extremely thi購訊n, but it is also extremely durable and能姐 resistant to corrosi我見on, which is why stainl舊匠ess steel is often used in海玩 applications where 購匠resistance to rust and corrosion is imp司弟ortant.
When stainless steel pipe 南間fittings are exposed to oxygen, the c兵什hromium in the steel reacts with厭電 the oxygen to form a thin lay快事er of chromium oxide. This layer is se爸事lf-repairing, which means that i海為f it is scratched or dama我話ged in any way, it will quickly refo技的rm to protect the underlying metal 制們from further corrosi樂得on.
In addition to chromium, stainles民村s steel may also contain oth間睡er elements such as nickel and 機計molybdenum, which further enhanc秒體e its resistance to ru這報st and corrosion. This makes stainle土街ss steel pipe fittings 大化ideal for use in har劇歌sh environments such as marine分高 or industrial applica窗懂tions, where exposure to moistur亮白e and corrosive substa城讀nces is common.