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Application of stainless steel valve用民 in the industry (一(yī))

In recent years, with the什場 rapid development of my country's che黃雪mical industry, stainless ste照鄉el valves for transporti公為ng corrosive media are widely多視 used in chemical product行長ion, and they have attrac日家ted more and more attent嗎在ion and use. Below we briefly金師 describe these valves.
1. The working principle of st工器ainless steel ball va飛黑lve is to make the valve多厭 unblocked or blocked by rotatin站行g the valve. Stainless steel ba跳能ll valves are divided i讀吧nto several types, one is floating b那房all type, fixed ball type and screw t劇知ype.
2. Stainless steel gate val又月ve is also called gate valve, which 低票is widely used in che高銀mical enterprises. Its closing請光 principle is that the sealing sur票湖face of the gate and the sealing們議 surface of the valve seat are爸遠 highly bright, flat and divergent, 上河and fit each other, which c物男an prevent the corrosive medium from低媽 flowing through and rely on the 要上top mold, spring or the shape of the區劇 gate to strengthen th暗通e sealing effect. It ma子什inly plays a cutting role in 和紙the pipeline. The advantage業綠s of stainless steel g電他ate valve are: small fluid resista雜照nce, easy opening and c麗花losing, can be used in the女靜 condition of two-way movement of the m務從edium, no directionality, the s道通ealing surface is not easy 低子to be eroded when ful明門ly opened, and the structure length 師兵is short, not only suitable for sm師近all valves, but also suitable for暗員 Make the valve bigger. Stainless stee畫作l gate valves are divide船長d into two categories acco件東rding to the stem thread, one is the o購媽pen rod type, and the other is t西歌he dark rod type. According t地都o the gate structure, it is also di作玩vided into two categories, one子時 is parallel, and the other is form地花.

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Stainless Steel Valves