Zhejiang Lilang Sanitary Ware C知聽o., Ltd. is located in Yuhuan, 用術Zhejiang Province, with convenient討白 transportation. It is a profess說下ional
Drinking Water Pipeline Manu什坐facturers specializing in
wholesale Drinking Water分習 Pipeline and other products. With more tha道業n 15 years of industry experience, 光務we have our own testi資術ng laboratory and The most advance煙坐d and complete testing equipme木下nt can guarantee the quality我少 of the products. As a機樹
custom Drinking Water Pipeline supplie短門rs, we are fully capable of turning your筆能 customers' hand-drawn sketche是們s into finished products. We can make d月紙rawings for your customers 商請for approval, make any nece離南ssary design changes, pr廠她oduce parts, and ship the goods 照說to the end user when necessary. At the弟個 same time, the company has indepe短懂ndently developed and designed a 慢謝series of bathroom faucets, and has知看 its own brand "Lidao Sanitary 短玩Ware". Covers all kinds of 304 拿爸stainless steel faucets些從, showers, floor drains and o音兒ther products. The c道風ompany's long-term exports overs女少eas include France, Germany, the舞農 United States, South Africa and oth自雨er countries.